I was made for this job.
It started in October of 2008. I had been laid off from a merchandising/recruiting job I did at home. I made the decision to learn just what social media was. I dove into Twitter and Facebook. I followed and friended people who knew what social media was. I listened, and asked questions, and more questions and listened some more. I went to my first conference – SOBCON in May of 2009. That’s Successful Outstanding Bloggers Conference hosted in Chicago by Liz Strauss and Terry Starbucker.
I met my brain trust there. Becky McCray, Jon Swanson, Glenda Watson-Hyatt and Paul Merrill. We talk either on Skype or via email or Google docs every month. We share work, ask for opinions, encourage each other. We even visit in real life. It’s about time we do that again. From this group I’ve learned how to organize events, write a book, pray better and be a better friend. All through social media.
I started volunteering at the Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce. I wrote a lot for them. I took over their social media program (I added it actually) and worked very very hard on tourism. If there was any job that had to be done at that chamber, I learned how to do it. It was the best training ground any Chamber Director could have asked for. I also spoke at 140 Character Conferences in Hutchinson, Kansas and decided we needed these in Iowa. I’ve curated and hosted two of them in Des Moines, spoke in New York twice and Hutch three times. It’s a social media conference where businesses and individuals come and talk about how social media is making a difference for them.
And now I find myself after a whirlwind three weeks of interviewing and moving and working one week – in Webster City as the Chamber Director. I was born for this job. I’m meeting people, I’m making new connections, I’m seeing bigger pictures and teaching others how to see it too, I’m motivating and encouraging and excited. I find myself with the opportunity to make a difference.
And isn’t that what we all want?