It’s the last day of the year. A day generally spent in raucous revelry, dropping balls and too much alcohol – amateur night.
What if you did something a little different on this day?
My friend SuzeMuse suggests you spend the day in quiet. Suze says “choose to spend the last day of the year just being quiet. Don’t watch the news, or read about all the bad things that have happened this year. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to make resolutions or set lofty goals. Take one day to just pause, and celebrate where you are and how far you’ve come.”
I will follow some of that advice. No tv, no pressure and a look back at what worked. I’ve already written my three words for 2013 (you’ll see them tomorrow) so today is not a day for setting goals. However, I do plan to work on vision cards and my dream board.
Every year I save magazines for this day. I will sit down sometime tonight with a glass of wine or a cocktail and go through those magazines and cut out pictures and sayings that appeal to me. Usually I arrange them on a dream board in a neat, collage type arrangement. I’ll do that. I’m also adding in the vision cards this year. A friend of mine says she takes an index card and puts images and sayings on them she likes and every morning while having her coffee she flips through them until she finds one she likes for that day. Now that sounds like a fun project that will extend into the year!
Whatever you decide to do tonight, please enjoy yourself, drive safely if you must drive and Happy New Year!
(the picture – I plan on doing a few lemur calls tonight!)