A tweet up is a wonderful thing. I learn so much! Tonight I met with @kellywissink and we talked non-stop for 2 hours! Kelly works from home (www.network-marketing-today-and-beyond.com for her blog), homeschools her 3 children and has a husband that is really into squidoo!
We talked a lot about social media – what works for us, what we’d like to do more of and where we think our businesses are headed. Both of us are network marketers, and have very busy lives as well.
At any good tweet up you’ll absorb a lot of information. I recommend you write/type down notes – and come home and make some sense of them (which is what this post is doing!).
Here’s a few sites she recommended:
www.nexera.com Michael Clouse believes the right mindset will propel your business.
Www.twellow.com connect with followers in a niche market – perfect for searching
www.twitterpower.com How to dominate your market one twitter at a time, forward by Anthony Robbins – think I’d better buy this book!
Here’s a couple of people she suggested I look into a little further:
Doug Firebaugh – start at www.passionfire.com He’s a real walk and talk network marketing guy
Max Steingart – Make the internet your warm market www.maxsteingart.com
I recommended to Kelly she follow these people:
@chrisbrogan (she already does)
@beckymccray (small biz wiz)
@shawnacoronado (Gardening Nude)
@johnmeadows (www.meadowsonline.com podcaster extraordinaire)
@keithburtis (woodturner and Best Buy guy)
@JustinLevy (young man with energy and brains)
Can you podcast in the country? If you have high speed (cable or DSL) – however, if you have satellite your odds are not so good. I can’t watch a lot of videos or listen to podcasts where I live. I have to go into town for a better connection. Perhaps I’ll try the Verizon Wireless connection for the computer (Kelly has that) – or maybe one of my readers has a suggestion?
We talked about typepad and wordpress for our blogs. I’ve got a new killer site and I need to put something there that belongs to me. More research!
Kelly has built her network marketing business ENTIRELY online. In network marketing – that is huge. She graciously agreed to an interview – so we all can learn how to do it too!
The last bit I’ll share with you – we chatted on twitter too. It was very cool to speak in person, and even more fun to share it with the twitterverse!
Tweet ups – LOVE THEM!
I so agree about the tweet ups. I have only had the opportunity for one face-to-face, but have two more coming up soon. I do believe that great relationships can be built without them, but they sure are fun!
I love tweet ups! Of course you’ve already started building the relationship – it’s nice to put a face to a name. Thanks for reading.