If we are to survive as a small community, we have to think local.
I recently got picked up by the Des Moines Register to be on their business blog widget. It’s a great honor and I am proud to participate. So it got me to thinking, what is it I do that people want to read about? I do a lot of interviews. I often feature local Franklin County businesses. I write about tools that businesses could use to keep getting more business.
It brought me back to the thought, if we are to survive as a small community – we have to think local. I’ve stood on my soapbox and preached about shopping local. That is something I will continue to do. But today – let’s go outside of the box and see what’s there.
What kind of things could we do locally that will help support a local business and be fun?
What if we had a wine tasting and a book club meeting at Townsend Winery in Hansell? (watch for that interview this week)
What if we could take a class about lace at Cornerstone Cottage (she has some of the most beautiful lace for sale)?
What if the Questers met the Cemetery Society for coffee at Merrybee’s? (questers are collectors of antiques, collectibles and history – the cemetery society I know of is women who know a lot of history about the county).
What ideas can you come up with?
picture courtesy of exfordy at flickr.com