Why are flute players better?
We know how to hold our breath for a long time.
We know how to wait for the right time to make an entrance.
We know practice really does make perfect.
We know to get to point Z you start at point A.
We listen better.
We are more patient and disciplined.
We know how to work as a team.
Twitter flute players include:
@audiophilia www.audiophilia.com Anthony Kershaw
@ambercadabra www.altitudebranding.com Amber Naslund
@jennfowler www.frugalupstate.blogspot.com Jenn Fowler
@lynnae www.beingfrugal.net Lynnae McCoy
@debworks www.debrareneebrown.com Deb Brown
@mommaven www.mommaven.blogspot.com Cindy
Any other flute players out there?
flute photo from dailyinvention at flickr.com
Posted in Online Business, twitter
‘@rachelreuben How could I forget her? http://www.rachelreuben.com
Me! Me!
No, really, I am a flute/piccolo player! Here’s a pic from a college alumni event.
I’m @beckymccray Becky McCray http://www.smallbizsurvival.com or http://outstanding.beckymccray.com
Wow – Becky McCray! of course you play the flute – all of the above characteristics fit you to a tee! Love the pic!