The Survey of Rural Challenges is open for rural and small town people to answer. www.saveyour.town/survey2020 This is not a survey about Covid 19, this survey is different. Becky McCray and Deb Brown, co founders of SaveYour.Town have been asking for and listening to rural challenges since 2015.
“We use the results to create practical steps that help you shape a better future for your town. Because you tell us what topics rural people most want help with, your responses also get shared out to others who work with rural communities and in articles and media stories,” said Becky McCray, cofounder of SaveYour.Town
The survey will collect voluntary responses online at www.saveyour.town/survey2020 in the fourth quarter of 2020.The survey is open to rural people globally: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other country. Anyone who lives or works in small towns can answer.
More than 1100 people answered the survey in previous years. Organizations like government agencies, university educators and regional utilities use the results to better serve rural people. Results from 2015, 2017 and 2019 and links to media coverage are available at https://saveyour.town/survey-of-rural-challenges-news
The last three surveys have told us that housing, losing young people, and downtown is dead were in the top five challenges. We look forward to hearing what our rural friends will say this year,” said Deb Brown. You can share it in your community and to your members, subscribers, readers, followers or friends. You can put it in your newsletter, on social media, in Facebook groups, on your website, or anywhere else you think rural people will be likely to respond. You can share this link: https://saveyour.town/survey2020
Requests for interviews can be directed to becky@saveyour.town or deb@saveyour.town.