I spent the last three days adding to my steps. I had the great pleasure to fly to Traverse City and travel to Roscommon County to speak to a group of people excited about economic development and the tour of empty buildings on Friday evening. Then on Saturday we visited three spots in the county to tour a few empty buildings and then talk about what could be possible.
I haven’t made it to 10,000 steps yet. But I am hitting about 4,000 steps a day this week! Starting where I am – I’m moving. My knee inhibits speed and I must pay close attention to it so as not to twist it again. After years of trying to figure out what is wrong, other than ostheoarthritis, Dr. Ryan Lee, OD, has found that the fibula is rotated. So with weekly chiropractic treatment and strengthening exercises we are on a path to a better feeling knee.
This week I’ll be in Brookings participating in Social Tilt and TedX – I’m pretty sure I’ll get more steps in!
Go get ’em! I am confident you will get the “right” amount of steps in for your body.
thanks Sara!