
Sunday Update: This and That

IMG_0759They came!  My new Vionics are here.  I love the colors too.  I’ll be trying them out the next couple of weeks and I’ll let you know how they work out.  Shoes are important and a vital part of taking care of yourself.  And these look good too!

This week I went on retreat to Clear Lake.  We stayed in a cabin and slept, cooked, read and thought.  The point was to take some time and relax.  That  I did.  I also wrapped my head around better eating, cooking more and leaving the sugar alone.  So this week kicked off looking at recipes and figuring out which ones I want to make.  We made Heroin Wings at the cabin.  They were good.  I had left overs the next day, and now I know why they call them heroin wings.  They were unbelievable!  The spices had soaked in and mixed well with the parmesan cheese and I couldn’t stop eating them.  I also had egg bake at an event and took some home (there was a ton left) and put them in individual portions.  Lots of protein and goes great with my Melaleuca protein shake.  I also did some serious grocery shopping this weekend.  No bread, no sweets, lots of protein, water and things that went together so I can make meals for the week.

My elbow – oh boy – still store.  Can’t lift more than 5 pounds and it’s not broken.  I haven’t figured out how to work out my upper body when my arms won’t work.  Oh, btw, the other elbow hurts too.  So if you have some suggestions for upper body workouts that don’t involve my arms, let me know!


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