Last weekend I had my two great nephews for the weekend. Steven is 10 and Hunter is 4. We played and played and played. On the way back from Ames we stopped in Stanhope at the park. They had slides and log rolling and a rock wall and all kinds of cool stuff for the boys. Oh my!
And they had swings. Keri and I sat in the swings and talked. Of course we swang (swang? swung? were swinging?) too. For about 45 minutes while the boys played. It was simply wonderful and harkened back to the days when I played as a kid and loved to swing. I could still do it!
We eventually came home, made dinner and sat down to eat. When I got up, I pulled something in my shoulder. It felt like I hurt my rotator cuff! Now I know you can’t hurt your rotator cuff getting out of the chair. But dang, it really hurt! I took a couple of Aleve and put some Painatrate on it. Eventually we all went to bed, and it still hurt.
When I woke up in the morning, it still hurt! Not quite as bad, but it still hurt. And my stomach felt like I’d done 6,000 sit ups. Was my IBS about to kick in? Oh Good Lord, what kind of day was this going to be? The kids and I headed to church and I came home right afterwards. I called Keri on the way home to discuss my unusual pains and she just laughed at me.
“Deb, we were swinging yesterday. I hurt too. We’re going to have to swing more often.”
I once saw a picture on FB where some place had put in adult sized swings at a bus or train stop where people would wait for awhile. We need more of those places!