Animoto Win
Do you have lots of pictures? Would you like to make them into a video? Then Animoto is your new best friend. You can choose a theme, the music, add words and have fun. All very much plug and play. Visit and try it out for free. I decided to upgrade because I have…
Twitter Used Correctly
Do you know how to use twitter for your business? Don’t just throw stuff out there! Let me tell you a story. I got this tweet randomly ….. RedHorseShoe1: @debworks #welovecountrymusicfans Here’s #freemusic@tommydalton Find him on radio at 5:14pm, Jun 22 It kinda ticked me off, so I fired this response back a couple of days after I had thought…
Act Accordingly
Colin G. Wright is a young man I met at the Misfit Conference in Fargo. Colin and I clicked because we are both mid-westerners. I’m from Iowa and he is from Springfield, Missouri. Colin is a traveler and a writer. He’s also a very smart young man. His home address is somewhere in Montana, and…
Networking Tips
Networking can create some powerful connections. But just what is networking? How does that work? Networking wears many hats. In church you shake hands with everyone during the service, make eye contact and let that other person know you are paying attention to them in that moment. You’ve established a connection and you strengthen that…
Houzz – Anyone can do this!
I’ve been perusing today and have found a couple of articles that are fascinating to me. Hope you can find something you like in these choices. Home Accessorizing Made Simple Kitchen designs, bathroom designs, and more ∨ Ideas for your lamp, lamps and lighting fixtures design. Find a shelf, customizable closet storage and…
A Town of World Largest …
Today we have a guest post from Darlene Dingman. Darlene is a volunteer at the Wilson Brewer Park Museums and Complex. On her travels she likes to visit museums! On her last trip she found herself in Casey, Illinois and shares her visit with us. Her experience proves that one person can make a difference!…
Let’s Talk Signage and Curb Appeal
Marketing is becoming more and more an online thing. You spend time updating your website/blogsite. You post pictures on Facebook. You tweet specials at to your customers. You make your Pinterest boards simply amazing. These are all good things – and a great way to market your business. When someone gets in their car and…
Slim Confessions
Pam Slim is a life coach. She helps people by having them explore some basic precepts and then points them in the right direction. I have listened to Pam online for a long time. This weekend I got the opportunity to hear her present and to spend some time with her. This post is several…
Ireland – You Know You Want To Go!
Have you been to Ireland? Would you like to go? The Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce is providing the opportunity to travel to Ireland. Why not join us? We will leave March 12, 2014 and be there through St. Patricks Day! If you register by September, your rate is $2,349 (includes airfare, hotel, breakfast…
Find Your Own Secret Path
In October of 2008 I started a journey down the social media path that has led me to many wonderful adventures. I’ve learned a lot, I’ve shared a lot and I’ve created magic for the places I work because of what I’ve learned. Now I’m no expert – no one really is in this space.…