
Silos and Smokestacks

I had the opportunity to visit with Candy Steed from Silos and Smokestacks to discuss what is happening with the heritage area in Iowa. Candy is the Program and Partnership director and is located in Waterloo, Iowa. Silos and Smokestacks is a National Heritage Area, where the story of American agriculture comes to life. This…

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My Part of the Social in Social Media

I’m told its important to write an about me page. I get that. And I did that. I gave out a little information and frankly, I don’t know what kind of difference it made. You see, I’m under the impression that social media is, well, social. A five sentence paragraph doesn’t really tell me about…

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A Ten Year Old’s Story

I believe everyone has a story to tell. All of us. Our ancestors passed down our stories orally. Usually, there was one person who was the storyteller for the family – and children learned their history at that person’s knee. Today, we hope that our children study well in school. Some families are into genealogy…

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My Reason Why

Good morning. We had a great Thanksgiving, and our prayers are that you did too. It was a day of fellowship, family and friends – and of course more food than you knew what to do with! My sister in law baked 7 pies – one for each child and grandchild. In our family, like…

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Roeder Studios

I found Laura Roeder on She is a follower of Chris Brogan, so I figured she’d be someone I want to follow. I was right! Laura is the principal at Roeder Studios and she sat down for an interview with me. Hi Laura! Tell us a little about Roeder Studios please.Roeder Studios specializes in…

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Deer Season

Monday night I was driving to Hampton to see if I could rent Iron Man for my 3 year old great nephew. I was on 105th street (Geneva blacktop), going about 50 miles an hour. It was 6:30 and just getting dark. I just passed the grove of trees West of the Old Stone House…

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Kim Dushinski – Mobile Marketer

I’ve been fortunate to make the acquaintances of some business people online who can help out our local communities. As we become more of a global community, it’s important that locally we all stay connected. Today I interviewed Kim Dushinski – and her area of expertise can be used anywhere in the world. Enjoy the…

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Do You Know The New Rules?

I had the opportunity to interview David Meerman Scott this week. It was a quick interview, filled with a lot of information. David is the author of several books including The New Rules of Marketing and PR, Tuned In, Cashing in With Content and Eyeball Wars. David’s background includes Vice President of marketing at NewsEdge…

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It’s Just A Conversation

I have a home based business. I set up accounts for an American company. I’ve been their customer for over four years, and last August I decided to make some additional income by setting up accounts for them. This has evolved into the work I do full time. It allows me to work from home,…

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Five Things

Dominic Evans started this meme – five things you may not know. He sent it to Chris Brogran, who you wouldn’t think would take the time to answer it. I mean, come on – Chris is busy with writing his new book, blogging, leading Podcamps, following his Tweets, his family – and life. Here’s the…

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