
Operating on top of

knee painI have knee pain all the time now.  It’s a constant burning, throbbing pain.

This morning it makes me think about what else I’m operating on top of.

Let me explain.  Everything I do is done with the thoughts “how will this affect my knee?  Can I do it and still handle this pain?”  That’s me operating on top of my knee pain.  My computer time is limited because I have to elevate my knee.  My physical exercise is almost nil, because of knee pain.  My activities with my friends are limited, because my knee hurts.  My knee pain affects all areas of my life.

We all tend to operate on top of something.

For some, they operate on top of the desire to please someone.  For others, they operate on top of a need to please themselves.  Maybe you operate on the wish you were more popular, richer, healthier, happier.

It takes a little introspection.  Imagine if you were able to eliminate those thoughts that make you operate on top of something.  What are you operating on top of?

(I am seeing a physician and working on repair my knee. Pic is from


  1. MissDazey on September 22, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    My dear, I so understand “operating on top” on joint pain. As to the main point of your article..I know that you are excellent of working through many of life’s nasties. Sometimes I think that today’s young people have no idea how to handle negatives. They could learn from you and your very positive attitude.

  2. deb on September 22, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    Thank you Miss Dazey.
    It’s a pretty simple concept – and often we tend to over analyze things.
    You are a great example of living each day with love and happiness. I’m honored to claim you as my friend.