
Jennings Social Media Marketing Releases 2015 Predictions

Valerie_Jennings-Influential-Women-KCB Every so often I receive press releases and I thought I’d share this one with my audience today!  

CEO Shares Top Tips To Gain Traction & ROI in The New Year

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Jennings Social Media Marketing released its top predictions for 2015. The company has been at the forefront of social media and its CEO is viewed as an early adopter due to the fact she introduced social media tactics to companies well before social media was even spoken about inside corporate boardrooms.

The agency depends on large volumes of data across a wide range of client verticals including travel, tourism, technology, automotive, manufacturing and more to reach these conclusions. Many research and analysis reports were conducted for several of these markets that have led up to the company’s predictions today. Some of the key findings are available upon request or by sending an email to

According to Valerie Jennings, CEO and founder of Jennings Social Media Marketing, “The top prediction we are forecasting for 2015 is instrumental progress in social network advertising and new opportunities to capture data. Some clients are even pushing us away from content development and instead focusing on the ads. The retargeting ads capture data and analytics from company sites, drive leads and website traffic so therefore, utilizing more budget for media buys drives better ROI or a more tangible ROI for some businesses. This is largely the case with B2C brands. If brands still need engagement, well-qualified campaigns focusing around contests and partnerships with third parties are key,” said Jennings.

New research from Business Insider Intelligence recently found that ad spending for social media in the U.S. will top $8.5 billion this year and may reach nearly $14 billion in 2018. In 2013, social media ad spending was only at $6.1 billion.

Jennings added, “B2B brands should continue to focus on long-term partnerships with third party vendors, leverage joint marketing campaigns with clients and alliance partners that capture interest across social media, email marketing, ads, SEO and sales meetings. No longer can a B2B company can rest on its reputation and hope for great referrals.The market is saturated with great businesses but in order to stand out, think first about developing several strategic partnerships for referrals, build content for those partners and then begin to identify several of your top tier clients to build marketing content for specifically so it’s tailored to them and the search engines. Try to keep video top of mind and do not skimp on quality content that is original thought leadership from executives. PR still sells in the minds of decision makers, but do not put all of your eggs in one basket. If you don’t know where to start, conduct a social media marketing audit to highlight key market opportunities and take the time to evaluate keywords, competitors, key messages, digital advertising, influencers, demographic data, personas and more.”

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