
Five Bad Ass Pieces of Advice from the Internets

GETTINGThis blog post is intended to whet your appetite for more.  Fortunately for you, you not only get little tidbits of badassery, but you get the entire link to the whole bad ass article! I love the internets, there is much to be learned there. Enjoy! 

Deb Brown, Global Integrated Client Acquisition & Innovative Brand Management Specialist

How’s that for a bad ass title?  Get your own at this site: 

For a free way to help spread your tweet, use hashtags

Tweets with hashtags receive two times more engagement than those without.

Read the whole Buffer article:

Need Testimonials?  Any positive comments posted to the Facebook page can also be imported as testimonials on your business site since they are public updates. Simply click on the drop-down arrow at the top right of an update and select the embed post option. How about four more ways to get testimonials?  Read it here:

More Twitter Quick Tips

  •  No egghead; use a photo of yourself (profile pic 400×400)
  • Use a cover image (1024×512 size; can create an image)
  • Write a bio, keep it personable (160 Characters)
  • Add your website link

Seriously now, read the rest of this article from Beth Gasser in our state to the north, Minnesota!  Read it here:

Social media doesn’t go on vacation.

That sentence might be the most common warning from social media professionals when considering the challenges of running social media during the holidays.

Again – read the whole article here: