Image by Geir Halvorsen via Flickr
I work closely with my local chamber of commerce and local newspapers. I joined the Chamber and attend as many activities as I can. I also interviewed the editor of Hampton’s paper and posted it here. I made friends with Rick at the Iowa Falls paper and he now calls me and let’s me know of great things happening in Hardin county. Last week Rick told me about a section they are doing in the paper showcasing companies that use green products or practices – and he thought of me.
Here’s the ad I’m running in the paper:
How do I go green? Let us show you how!
Wednesday September 23
Join us at 3 pm or 6 pm
The Book Cellar & Coffee Attic, downtown Iowa Falls
Information you can use today!
Save money Save time Go green
Deb Brown 641-458-1114 to rsvp
Marketing your own business should always involve developing relationships with others in your community. Once you’ve started a relationship, don’t forget to work on it! I follow up with phone calls, touch bases with emails and send thank you cards. I talk about other’s businesses and share their ideas with my friends and family. In turn, they think of me.
I love the Book Cellar and was thrilled when they said I could do my informational seminar there. I often recommend their coffee to people, and support their local book store. I don’t advertise all the time at the Iowa Falls Times Citizen, but I read their paper and advertise for special events.
What kind of relationships are you building?