
Chicken List

chickenWho’s on your list?

You’ve talked to your friends and family.  They support you – some of them.  Some you’ll drip on and keep sending them information.

Who have you NOT called?

That’s your chicken list.

Your old boss, your pastor, that crotchety neighbor, fellow business owners in town, the banker.  Those are just a few of mine.

Here’s what I know.  If you are afraid to call people, then there’s a problem.

Maybe the products aren’t all the great.

So why are you representing them at all?  You’ll never have ‘luck’ with bad products.  You’ll create a bad name for yourself with products that don’t work.  Re-evaluate the company you’ve partnered with.  Are you in it to help people or to just make money?  Because just making money is not a good enough reason.

Maybe you’re scared of what they’ll say.

The worse they can say is “No”.  And don’t take that personally.  It just means no, right now.  Ask them if you can follow up with them in a couple of months.  Maybe they need to see how your business is growing before they decide.  Perhaps they are having a bad day – and you are the one they take it out on!  Maybe they need more information.  Always follow up with an email or a note thanking them for their time and give them a little info.

Maybe you think you’re not good enough to have this conversation.

That simply means you may need to do a little more work.  Get involved with Personal Development on some level.  Participate in the trainings your company offers.  Set a date for yourself when you will call your chicken list.  Don’t say “when I’m better at this”.  Because you’ll always be learning and growing.

Pick up the phone.  Call one person on your chicken list.

Let me know how that goes!

(image from  thanks!)


  1. Deb on August 24, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    I sometimes have troubles approaching people because I don’t feel like what I’m doing is “real” or “legitimate”. For example, here’s a conversation I had today:

    Someone called and asked if I wanted to get together for lunch. I said “no, I have to work.” He replied “I didn’t know you had a job.”. I said “I sell at farmer’s market twice a week. Today I need to bake and pick vegetables so I can be ready to go by 4.” There was a silence and then he said “Oh. I thought you meant a REAL job.”

    I encountered attitudes like that when I sold Avon too. Does the fact that I set my own hours and am my own boss make the money I earn any less REAL? And yet, when I approach people I’m most often intimidated by the fact that because they are a banker, or a doctor, or a prominent person in the community; they won’t take me seriously.

    Good column Deb, really inspired some thoughts!

  2. Deb on August 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Thanks Deb –
    I know how you feel. Developing the feeling of legitimacy is vital to those of us who do work at home. Of course the money we earn is real, and the products we represent (or make) are real as well.

    Just a thought (and I’m wrestling with it too) – do you suppose you approach that doctor, banker etc with the idea “they won’t listen to me anyway” — and you then have created that exact experience?

    What if you tried something different. I personally know I have the best non-toxic products made in the world and I’m actually obligated to share the information. I feel it’s my duty to help take care of my fellow man. What kind of neighbor am I being if I don’t tell you about products that could possibly save your life? You see — way different approach!

    I also know you make the best pepper jelly I’ve ever tasted. You could change lives with that!

    Thanks again Deb.

  3. mode20100 on August 26, 2010 at 6:40 am

    A+ would read again

  4. Dr Potteiger - Cosmetic Dentist on September 1, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    You’ve got a way of explaining things, that is certainly very easy to understand. Thanks for the clear and concise insight.