
Debworks: 2-23-14 health

12709662405_d35701107a_bIt’s Sunday and what a week!  Snowed Monday, blizzarded Thursday and Friday, mom came home from the hospital and Twin went into the hospital.

Still, I recorded what I ate and kept within my range.  I worked out with my trainer twice, once alone at the gym and played dodgeball on Saturday.  Yes, dodgeball. (That’s me on the floor taking one for the team.)

Realization: life is gonna happen.  You can only control your reaction to it.  I’ve decided to react positively and also just try to build health into my daily schedule.

I’ve posted the following at my office, in my bathroom and on my fridge.  It’s my guiding compass I see every day:

Arise, stretch, breakfast, share.
Walk more. Talk to clients more. Get outside. Lead.
Gym, friends, write. 
Sleep well from a day well lived.


  1. Sincerely, Jenni on February 23, 2014 at 12:44 pm

    Wow, you’re a brave woman for playing dodgeball! That absolutely terrifies me, and probably would bring back some bad memories from middle school! haha

  2. Deb on February 23, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    It’s terrifying today — I think I hurt my knee on that fall! I can’t hardly walk today. Ice, anti-inflammatories and rest. It sure was fun though….

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