We’ve got 11 days left in the month. Most of us are gearing up for 2009. Goal planning, revising methods of operation, creating schedules – all important activities.
Let me ask you this – what are you doing for yourself?
Are you working on self improvement? Do you know that the rate which you personally grow, will be the rate your business grows?
How can you expect to lead others, have conversations that mean something, and/or contribute to you and your friends lives if you are stuck in the same spot your were in last year?
Self improvement comes in many shapes and sizes. Here’s a few suggestions:
1.follow Chris Brogan Insightful guy and someone who wants to be your friend.
2.Follow the Levite Chronicles You don’t have to be ‘religious’ to get something out of this blog.
3.Get on twitter and make new friends. Check out their sites and see what they are doing. Use www.search.twitter.com and look for common interests and read others blogs.
4.Look at someone totally different from you. I made friends with Dominick Evans – and his life is nothing like mine, yet he teaches me something all the time.
5.Stumble baby stumble. I have found some great sites at www.stumbleupon.com
Physical changes
1.just walk – around the house, around the yard, around the block – just walk
Physical changes
1.just walk – around the house, around the yard, around the block – just walk
2.www.trainforhumanity.org I’m an armchair athlete – will you be?
3.Read a book – choose a method -try a different way to eat. I’m doing 30 days in January sugar free (blog is coming……………)
4.cut your hair, color your hair, shave your beard, tweeze your eyebrows, shave your legs – try something!
5.get a makeover. Barefoot executive did! Perry Belcher did. Give it a try!
1.Malcolm Gladwell: The Tipping Point or Blink – both good books!
2.Endless Referrals by Bob Burg set yourself up to receive referrals all the time

4.Tribes by Seth Godin
5.Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes This book will open your eyes to good cooking and travel
Finally, when you’re making your schedules for 2009, be sure to include time for personal development!
first picture courtesy of cogdogblog at flickr.com
second picture my dream board
Posted in Marketing, network marketing