Your chances of winning a Xoom Tablet from Verizon are 1 in 149.
That’s right – we are giving away a Xoom Tablet at the 140 Character Conference. The speakers do not qualify to be in the drawing (dang it!) – but all the attendees do. Simply attend, fill out the form at the Verizon table and we will draw a winner sometime around 1 p.m.
Everyone who attends will receive a free ebook all about SEO from speaker Ryan Johnson.
Headway Themes will be doing a training Sunday afternoon – All About Headway – free. If you don’t have the Headway Theme – you’ll be able to get it at a discount, if you attend the 140 in Des Moines.
Can’t come? Sorry you’ll miss out on the giveaways – but we still want you to see the speakers. Des Moines Amplified is making that possible. Simply tune into http://www.livestream.com/dsmamplifiedevents All events will also be recorded and uploaded after the event.
Attendees will enjoy lots of wifi – thanks to Internet Solver.
Jocelyn Wallace will be creating visuals of the presentations – as they happen. http://www.jocelynwallace.com/be-a-visual-tweeter-at-the-140-character-conference
We believe you, the attendee, will bring the most value. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say about the speakers. We want to know what new ideas you’ll be taking home. We know you’ll talk to each other and create new relationships. It’s only a week away – see you there!
Monday May 9 is the 140 Character Conference. Stoner Theatre, Des Moines Iowa. Visit the site at http://desmoines.140conf.com and get your tickets — they are going fast!