In June I’ll be speaking at SmallBizSocialMediaSummit – and today I’m going to share with you three tools you can use today in your small business.
1. Google Profile
Have you set up your own Google profile? Visit www.google.com/profiles and set it up. If you’re a business, include your physical address, contact info, lots of photos and videos and get your customers to write a review. You can visit my profile at www.google.com/profiles/worksmartdeb
2. Keyword Tool
Start out at www.googlekeywordtool.com Then go to the Google Keyword Tool. I’m searching for descriptive words or phrases to use related to Small Business. I’ll type in my word or phrase (one to a line) and this tool will give me suggestions of words to use that will generate hits to my article. It’s interesting to see the related words and how many searches were done in the past month. I also scroll down and look at additional words to consider. Notice new business, businesses and loans have over 1 million hits!
3. SEOMoz.org
Technically,this website is not a tool. But it sure leads you to some great Search Engine Optimization Tools. If you’re not into making your small business website or blog more easily found by the people searching for your products – stop reading here. The rest of you — play around on this website. Download some free tools. Read the blog. Try it out. Then by the time you come to the Small Biz Social Media Summit – you’ll have lots of questions for your speakers and the networking peers you’re going to meet!
Tips 1 and 3 were given to me at the Search Engine Marketing Essentials meeting I attended this week at the Ankeny Chamber of Commerce. They are all a part of Organic Marketing (meaning you work it, don’t pay for it in dollars – only time).
Have you considered learning more social media tips and plans for your business and just not sure where to start? Visit www.smallbizsocialmediasummit.com and come to Kansas in June. We designed it to provide you, the small business, valuable information you can take home and put into use immediately We also made it affordable!