Chris Brogan is one of my go to guys for all things social media. He recommended I read a blog called Levite Chronicles written by Jon Swanson. Today Jon wrote about this sidewalk. Hes part of a writing group led by Robert Hruzek. Today the assignment was to write about What I Learned From a Sidewalk.
Did you see that? All those people? That’s a network. A loose one. We are surrounded by loose networks. Its really up to us to decide if we want to strengthen the network or leave it loose.
I shop at an independent bookstore called the Kaliedoscope. It’s in my home town. My friend Denise told me about the store. I may not have found it because it’s on a side street. The first time I went there, the owner was there. Keri was nice and very knowledgeable about books. I spent quite a bit of time there and eventually became friends with Keri.
Keri told me about Judy who owns another store, Cornerstone Cottage. I never would have shopped there on my own. It’s a gift store, fun store, cool store! Now I shop there because Keri told me about Judy. Now Judy and I are friends.
Judy told me about her friend Karolyn. She thought Karolyn might like to know more about what I do. I called her. She’s a client of mine now.
The network is Denise-Keri-Judy-Karolyn. It’s a network I’ve worked on strengthening. If I didn’t hang out at the bookstore, no friendship would have developed between Keri and myself — so no Keri-Judy-Karolyn.
So I see networking like walking sidewalks. You can just walk on the sidewalk you know and keep seeing the things you are used to seeing. Or you can stop and visit a friend. Turn at the corner and see what’s down that street. Make a left and go to the park.
My point? Denise, Keri, Judy, Karolyn are all clients of mine. Now. We are a network. The detours I took introduced me to remarkable women who recognized the value I bring to the table – and they joined my network.
Are you building networks?
Wonderful contribution, Deb! I love the lesson you’ve built out of a simple sidewalk simile.
Thanks for a contribution to this month’s WILF! Hey, why not drop by each month for a new one? We kick a new one off every first Monday of the month at the Zone.
A big ol’ tip o’ the hat to ya Deb!
Thanks Robert. I think I might just skedaddle your way once a month and see what you are up to over there! (it will be more – I subscribed) I like what you’re doing!
Welcome to the tribe! I looked at a few of you other posts. You are going to make a great addition.
What am I talking about? Robert, Karen, Joanna, Brad, Ulla, and several others have (accidentally?) formed a close-knit network that sucks you in. By commenting on each others posts and on yours they make you follow the links to find more about them and reward you with some of the best posts you have ever read.
These posts are written in such a way that they instantly generate conversations in the comments that are as interesting as the original post, and they always reply to your comments keeping the conversation going.
I noticed you subscribed to Robert on the first visit. That is what I mean by the tribe. Robert and the others that frequent comment on his blog write in such a way that you will click on the subscribe button before you even realize what is happening. 🙂 I just discovered this group recently and have been totally sucked in. They are a great bunch of people.
I like your picture. It’s not always smooth sailing…even on a sidewalk, so we need those networks to help us along.
I think the best networks form naturally, just like this. Thanks for sharing : )
like your blog (even getting there was fun) – couldn’t find out how to get your posts in my email though. 🙁 I’ll have fun following you…
thanks! that is a great pic and it shows the network well.
it was a nice trip here, wasn’t it? I like how things can be serendipitous.
Because of Robert, I am following a chain to other people’s sidewalks and came to yours! Beautiful post!
Thanks Annie –
fun project Robert has going — I’ll be checking on him more often. Thanks for the comment and for visiting.