It’s been a full month, and we’re only 10 days in! We’re had an major announcement – RVTV is coming to Webster City. It involves a lot of planning, and it’s a month away. I was out two days this past week or Ag Urban Institute. I’m active as a volunteer at the movie theater that re-opens in September. We had our Golf Open on the 8th, and the 15th is Summer Nights. September 3 is Cyndi Young speaking for the entire community, September 8 is RVTV and September 17 is Sheila Scarborough workshop. Don’t get me wrong – I love this stuff. My job is exactly what I envisioned it would be and I love it.
But it’s stressful.
And what do I do when stressed? I eat. I eat junk. Because I don’t plan well enough for my day and get hungry and eat badly. I get busy and I don’t get my workouts in. I worked out once last week. I did help out at the movie theater some and got a little exercise there. But I didn’t get enough exercise, and I find I miss it. I feel better when I move more. I feel better when I eat better.
The good news? I’m not beating myself up about it (more stress). I am back on the wagon as of yesterday and that is because I noticed I was slipping. In the past, I would have kept on slipping and thought ‘what’s the use?’. Now — I acknowledge the wagon slowed down. But I didn’t jump off. I simply made a choice.
I choose to take care of myself, for myself.
And that’s enough to move forward, and not feel guilty about it.