I’ll be traveling to a small county in Nevada to help with a beautification project. So will Becky later on – it’s an Intensive, Idea Friendly Package.
Back in my chamber days, this kind of thing would scare the bejesus out of me. It would involve endless meetings with boring, important-feeling people. No talking to the folks like you and me who do the work. Jobs would be assigned with no choice in what you want to participate in. If it made it to the jobs stage. So much planning and so little action. It was not Idea Friendly, and there were no small steps you could try first to see if your idea could work.
Idea Friendly Beautification
Joliet, Montana, did. their own beautification project and it was Idea Friendly. A group of interested citizens got together and started taking small steps.
The Booster Club purchased flags to be hung. Trees surrounded some flagpoles, so they cleaned that up.
The bulletin board on the main road was in dire straits, so a few people got together and cleaned that bulletin board up.
Flo stood up and said she’d write some grants for small funding from the local Farm Credit Bureau.
The historic wagon on the main road needed some spiffing up, and they thought flowers would be nice. Gina said she’d clean it up and get the weeds out. Flo was going to talk to the Garden Club about it. Jim wanted to start a flower bed in the spring.
Karla was working on the pocket park. Getting permission, writing grants, that kind of thing.
Somebody painted benches downtown.
There are only 577 people in this small town.
They knew it takes getting started to get started.
Magic happens in those small steps.
The images I took are:
The old sign now shows more info about the Bozeman Trail
The old wagon decorated for Halloween
One of the painted benches
Historic Coal Truck parked right on Main Street