Today I was scheduled to attend the Central Iowa Tourism Region quarterly meeting at Prairie Meadows. I came down the day before and attended the Tourism Legislative Showcase at the Iowa State Fairgrounds and made arrangements to stay at my uncle’s house in Colfax. (I brought his sister, my mom, with me so they could visit while I worked.)
This morning I awoke to blowing winds, falling snow and a total whiteout. Snow everywhere and the wind moving it around quite ferociously. There was no way I was driving down the hills of Colfax, Iowa and going 17 miles to this meeting. I was snowed in for the day.
Breakfast was around the dining room table and I had a view of the backyard trees and bird feeders. Cardinals, woodpeckers, junkos, starlings and wild geese were having a heyday out there. I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch in front of the fireplace for the rest of the day. My email inbox had 900 emails. It now has 5. I spent the entire day cleaning out my email! Answering, forwarding, figuring out and finishing many unfinished projects.
It’s not often I have a day to just sit around. Today was just about a perfect day – working and enjoying the day in my pajamas. I even took a nap.
Snow days come to us for a reason. It’s an opportunity to slow down a bit and concentrate on just one thing. I took full advantage. What did you do?