Next Thursday I have the honor of working with 6 women, over 65 years old. We’re beginning the Senior Internet Boot Camp.
Imagine your grandchildren excited about posting pictures on Facebook, and you don’t even know what that is, let alone how to use it. Or maybe you’re scared of the computer. You’ve heard bad things. There’s evil people online. Still… you love to learn, and want to be able to visit with your kids and grandkids miles away from you.
We’ve created a class just for you. Debworks, in association with North Iowa Area Community College, has developed Internet Boot Camp. Once a month for three months you’ll come to class. The first class will be a discussion, a little playing around with the mouse and maybe even jumping into a few websites. The second session will be all about email. The final session will cover a couple of social networking sites, including Facebook.
Our first location is the Public Library in Osage, Iowa. We’d like to teach this course all over North Central Iowa. Are you interested? Just give us a call! 641-580-0103
Miss Dazey is a dear friend and hails from Missouri. This picture is often associated with her. You can read her blog at http://www.eldergeneration.net/ She’s one of the smartest women I know, spends her time on twitter and facebook, and is over 80 years old. You’re never too old!
I wish my mom could take this from you. She took a similar class in her town, but the teacher was so negative about all the dangers on the net (scam artists, predators, hackers, viruses, etc.) that now mom refuses to go near a computer. I know you’d make it much more positive and fun!
I wish she could too! I also wish she could meet Miss Dazey.
Thank-you very much,I am honored. I am proud of what I do. Be sure to tell anyone I am very happy to answer questions.
PS: I can’t decide if I’m 80 going on 69, or 69 going on 80. (born July 29, 1942)
oops — don’t know where I got that 80 from! I think you’re 69 going on 22. Yup, that’s it.