What a perfect time to talk about mothers! Project 52 is a venture I joined to take a picture every week around a particular subject. I’ve sucked at it really, yet I continue to follow along and post as I can. I think life is like that too. We follow along and do what we can do.
I took my mom to Starboard Market in Clear Lake for lunch the Friday before Mother’s Day. This is a picture from that day. Today my mom is in the hospital. She’s been sick off and on since December. I won’t take her picture in the hospital. Mostly because she won’t let me. It’s an invasion on her privacy and she doesn’t want the world to see her sick. I don’t blame her about that.
I’m lucky, my mom is my best friend. She ‘gets’ me. And for that, I’m blessed.
Sending a cheer! Shirley, you’re a great gal, and great company. I hope we’ll share a laugh, or fried okra or a play again soon.
Mom told me that we are flying to Hutchinson this year! I sure hope in fact we can do that.