
Downtown placemaking can be simple and cheap


How often do you go somewhere and realize you didn’t even ‘see’ much along the route?

Until something changes. Then everyone sees it.

Candee Brossman from the Woodward Arts and Theatre Council shared this story with us. She attended Becky’s presentation at the Oklahoma Arts Council Conference, where Becky talked about the value of cleaning your own sidewalk.

I decided I would clean up our poster cases and sweep the front sidewalk. As I was doing so, a window cleaning contractor stopped and asked if he could do our windows and statue. I said sure. He said he never knew what door to use to stop and ask before. 

In the last 3 weeks I have had more people ask if we had done something different out front! And I keep saying “we just swept our sidewalk…”

Take a few minutes, and sweep your own sidewalk. It’s one of the cheapest downtown placemaking ideas.