It’s not everyday we have a National Conference in Iowa. Especially, a national conference that is intent on speaking to the Midwest and sharing ideas from Midwesterners. It’s one room, 200 attendees and a speaker every ten minutes. Each speaker will talk about how the technology of now (twitter, facebook, blogging, etc.) has affected their business. It’s also broadcast live over the internet and being recorded to view at anytime at We tell you this because we’ve got an opportunity for your company to be a supporter.
Here’s how it works:
Sign up as a corporate sponsor for $500. You’ll receive six tickets and you can send whoever you wish.* We’ll also list you as a corporate sponsor in the brochure, on the website and on a poster that will be shown during the filming.
Why you want to do this:
- Affordable advertising that will be seen over and over and over
- An opportunity to educate your staff on ways to utilize the technology of now
- Meet and mingle with some of the cutting edge personalities in the online universe. These people are making a difference every day.
- Find new ways to market what it is you do!
May 9 at the Stoner Theatre in Des Moines Iowa the 140 Character Conference is coming to town. 42 different speakers will talk about subjects like Agriculture, Entertainment, Museums, Tech, Tourism, Writing, Education, Politics, Business, Media, Health Care, Retail, Ageism, Mobile Tech and Serendipity. Visit and see the list and bios of all the speakers. We believe you’ll be blown away.
This event will provide a platform for the worldwide twitter and facebook community to: listen, connect, share and engage with each other, while collectively exploring the effects of the emerging real-time internet on business. It creates serendipity in talking to each other, sharing ideas across industries, and exchanging thoughts with people like you and not like you. To put it in rural terms, we’re going to cross-pollinate some ideas. Or think of it as hybrid vigor: your new ideas are much stronger than the ideas that brought them about.
What now?
Let us know you want to participate and we’ll get the ball rolling. Don’t wait too long – we’ll need to know by April 26. See you on May 9!
Deb Brown 641-580-0103
Nathan Wright 515-999-LAVA Lava Row
*if you wish to sponsor the event but don’t have six people to send, we can help you find attendees. How about a radio promotion, or one with your local chamber? We’re here to help you.