
My Perfect Day

Thanksgiving weekend Melaleuca Inc. flew me to Salt Lake City and filmed me telling my story about their product GC Control.  This Saturday they are having their semi-annual product launch and my video will be a part of that event.  If any of my readers want to learn about products that have helped me to lose weight and improve my health, please read on.  If you want to attend a launch in your area, visit for the nearest location.  Tell them you know me! Then call me if you have any questions.  (or email deb at Debworks dot com)

My Perfect Day

This year I’m working on creating better health.  I got a great jump start last year and have worked very hard to lose 44 pounds.  I’m a Melaleuca customer and these products work for me (and about 880,000 other customers).  This post will share with you what I do throughout the day.  December was a hard month – way too many treats and way too many opportunities to stray off the path.  The good news for me is I still lost 2 pounds because I did stay on target with my products.

I’m a farmer’s daughter and that means after all these years I still wake up at 6 am.  The day starts with instant (Nescafe) coffee and Proflex Chocolate shake.  (instant coffee, ½ cup of boiling water, scoop of Proflex, blend with hand blender, then add boiling water to fill up the cup)  I also have  Melaleuca oatmeal for breakfast.

I get ready for work, and drink a glass of water with my vitamins (Total packet for over 50).

Between 9 and 10 I have a GC Control shake.  Sometimes I have an Attain bar too.  This is done at work, and with a shaker.  Easy Peasy.

At noon I usually go out to lunch.  I try to eat only half my food (Subway, Chinese, Mexican are the usual suspects).  The rest of the food I get a to go container for.

Around 2 or 3, depending on my schedule, I have another GC shake.  This one is important because those sneaky 3 pm snack attacks are horrible.  I head them off at the pass.  An Attain bar will work here too.

If I workout after work, I have an Access bar and then head to the gym.  They burn fat and who doesn’t love that?  If I don’t, I’ll eat the rest of my lunch if there is any.  If not, I usually go home and cook something.

Around 9 if I’m hungry (and I really haven’t been) I’ll have some popcorn.

Bed at 10:30.

Now .. this year, 2013, my goal is to drink my 8 glasses of water before I allow myself a diet mountain dew.  I’m working on breaking that habit altogether.  Erin suggested to drink the sustain sport during the day and that’s a great idea too.

So I’m buying:

Proflex Shake – chocolate (I do have a vanilla in the cupboard if I feel like making a dreamsicle with extra fiberwise) $16.99

Access Bars – two boxes a month $27.98

GC Control – 2 to 3 a month $29.99

Attain Bars – two boxes a month $10.49 x 2

Total vitamins $99


$95 on food – that’s about $3 a day.  Add in the vitamins and we are looking at about $6 a day.  That’s one stop at Starbucks. 


Speaking of Starbucks (or McDonalds or Cabin Coffee) I order Americano with sugar free vanilla in it.  Less calories and less cost.  The fancy drinks are filled with calories and sugar.  If I’m going to have calories and sugar, it will be planned and special.  Not at a drive through window!

I’ve worked on this program since last summer and constantly adjust for the day.  Some days I don’t eat right.  The trick is just start from right where you are.  I don’t wait for the next day to do better – I wait for the next minute. 

This year I’ve set an aggressive goal of 60 pound weight loss by the end of summer.  That means going to the gym 4-5 times a week (I take classes 2x a week).  That means splitting my meals so I eat something 6 times a day.  I’m also part of a Ninja Club – we meet once a month to figure out cool things to do with our Ninja blenders.  I’m not a big vegetable eater so making juice from veggies is a win for me.  I got a dance video from Louis Van Amstel and there’s a group of us that are going to be dancing once a week (no partner needed).

I read an excerpt from a book that said (paraphrasing here) French women don’t buy clothes that don’t make them look amazing – no matter what their size.  They accept themselves exactly as they are right now, and demand that the clothing manufacturers make clothes that fit them now, and look good.  I think there’s a good lesson there.

Why not accept yourself just as you are – today.  Just because you do that doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of yourself.  Just work on what you want, focus on that and that is what will come to you.  Don’t focus on what doesn’t work, what looks bad, what looks fat, what someone said …. Put that image of how you look at your very best in your head instead.

I’m in a hot pink swimsuit, standing in the ocean and laughing.  That’s my happy place.


See you at the beach!



  1. […] (become).  What could that add to my editorial calendar?  I can write about products I use (see previous post about Melaleuca products), exercise regimens like Dancing with the Stars dvd I’m using, […]

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