
Kids Get It

gabeI went to a birthday party for an 11 year old today.  He’s a great kid.  Loving, shares and is funny.

There were about 10 kids there including Gabriel.  Gabriel is blind.

When they played bingo, one of the kids said “I’ll sit by Gabriel!  I can help!”

When they played pin the tail on the donkey, another kid said “here Gabriel, here’s your tail.  You don’t need a eye visor.  Let me point you in the right direction.

When they ate cake one child said “It’s chocolate cake with white frosting.  Put your hand here — that’s where your piece starts.

When they opened presents, they handed every single present to Gabriel to touch and feel while one of them described what it was.

The amazing thing was no one told them to do these things.  They just did it.  With great joy.

I hope they never lose that skill.  Service with Joy.

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