I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same
But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself
I went to an event last night – and I was representing a local business at a reunion event. I’m from a small town. We pretty much know each other – or know someone who knows us. I thought we’d have a great time welcoming guests and enjoying the live music.
Au contraire mon frere — I was invisible. I was simply a vendor and did not exist. The majority of the people who were in attendance wanted nothing to do with me. Truly, I was invisible. These were people I see in my community all the time. I knew how Ricky Nelson felt at his garden party. It was surreal and strange for me.
What did I learn from this lesson? Pay attention to everyone. Give a simple hello. Smile. I’m no better than you are.
We came to America to get away from royalty.
That is just not right. I try to make eye contact with as many people as I can, they might just have something to contribute to my day. We are all important and have something to share with others. It is their loss, you have so much to share with others.
I was at the reunion. What were you selling and why? I helped plan our class reunion. It was wonderful seeing my classmates, exactly what I came for and I paid to listen to the band and enjoy the meal. I didn’t come to shop. I am sorry you feel you were slighted but it wasn’t a “lets shop” event. No wonder you felt out of place. I’m sure what you were selling was a good item but maybe you should pick where you sell your wares better so you will get the recognition you feel you deserve.
Denise – thank you!
Rita – I wasn’t selling anything. I was a representative of the Tourism Board welcoming alums back to Hampton. I did have Visitor Guides to give to those who wanted them. We had maps of the Hampton area, band shell envelopes and information on Summerfest. I do agree it was not an event to be peddling wares at. We were there to support the Country Club who is a Chamber member.
I think perhaps I should have found those who were representing the various classes and let you guys know what we were doing. I made the assumption people would come up to the booth and see what we were doing. You made the assumption I was selling something. It seems its pretty easy to make inaccurate assumptions – on both sides of the table.
SO you are saying you showed up unannounced at someone else’s class reunion and you were surprised that no one talked to you?
Wow. I thought you were smarter than that.
The Country Club had our full support otherwise we would have just had a picnic at one of the area parks like most classes do. The idea of promoting Hampton was great, the place of it though and the communication was poor.
We made sure our class knew what was going on in the area beforehand. I was in charge of the scavenger hunt for 21 landmarks in Hampton/Franklin County, that would take classmates all over. I knew some were bringing their families with them and thought this would be a great way to show their children the town heritage and see the changes. The scavenger hunt went over very well and we even toured the high school.
I think the best places for what you were trying to achieve and promote would have been the restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, liquor stores and motels that the classes would be frequenting. Inquiring at these places and asking if they would give out your flyers Friday and Saturday I believe would have been more appropriate and very promoting.
Reunions are more to reconnect with our classmates, their lives, where they live now, to have a good time and to look forward to the next reunion.
We did have a get together on Saturday evening as well and raised money for the new aquatic center. 🙂