I don’t often ask people to give money.
At least not people I don’t know.
Today I’m asking you to give a dollar. That’s it, just one dollar. Less than a cup of coffee.
Hampton Iowa has this Band Shell. It’s falling apart. They were going to tear it down. RDG Planners and Architects came in, pro bono, and said we could save it. It would cost $90,000. We’ve already raised $72,000. In about a month (yup, you read that right).
Monday August 16th there will be a Play-A-Thon between Leon and Brian. Both of these guys are retired band directors and have challenged their students to give. They will match them.
Of course I’m enthralled with the history of the Band Shell. Certainly I see the importance of providing a place for outdoor events to happen, involve students in continuous creation of music in our county. I get how important this structure is to our story.
But really – I’ve been told social media doesn’t make a difference. That people outside of Franklin County don’t care what we are doing. Why would they give?
I beg to differ. I believe you guys do care. I believe we’ve built relationships with total strangers and we know the importance of social media. I think asking you for just one dollar (and of course more if you feel so moved) is something you can do.
So do this:
Visit http://bandshell.hamptoniowa.org Click on the Donate button. Donate whatever amount you want. Put “Debworks” in the memo section. Share this blog post with your friends.
You can also mail a check or your dollar (although I don’t officially recommend mailing actual cash) to Band Shell Renovation Fund, 5 1st St NW, Hampton Iowa 50441.
Your giving will be announced at the Play-A-Thon (which will be live online at the same site as above). You’ll be making a difference. I’ll be forever grateful.
Thank you. YOU ROCK!