Made a lot of business calls early in the day. Set up appointments, left messages, moved my business forward. Worked on the grant for the Old Stone House (Historical Society). Wrote an article for the Hampton Today Who Knew Newspaper.
Planned a tweet up in Mason City with Daniel Cline. Looks like there will be a couple of other people there too! (A tweet up is where people on twitter meet up)
Went to the gym. Ran 3 of the 10 minutes I was on the treadmill (walked the other 7). Rode the bike. Walked the path. Played basketball. Met an older fella and we worked with the director of the wellness center – going to have a over 50 basketball league! How cool is that?
Came home and cleaned up. Went to eat supper at the Long Branch Supper Club in Geneva. Our Abigails group (church group of women who cook meals throughout the year to raise funds) meet every February for a meal cooked by someone else! I had the flat iron steak (medium), baked potato, water with lemon – and salad bar. It cost me $10.17 Prime Rib on Saturday is only $19.95. There is no better home cooked American food in the county. That’s the Long Branch Supper Club in Geneva Iowa.
So let’s see — I was pretty local today.
Historical Society
Hampton Today Newspaper
Tweet Up in Mason City Plans
Franklin Wellness Center
Long Branch Supper Club
How local were you today? Do you spend your money where you live?