It’s been a year of ups and downs. The roller coaster went pretty fast this year. Last years goals were all met. When I wrote them, I thought “will I be able to do this?” Looking back, it seems they weren’t bold enough or big enough.
This year I’ll expand on my goals – create some loftiness around it – and give myself something to really strife for.
1. Utilize my skills as a blog writer and teach other people how to use Headway Theme to create excitement and magic around their business. Facebook has done a great job locally on connecting our local people. Now let’s take it one step further and start showing the world what experts we really are. Remember, global is now local. This is a for profit venture for me. I believe for small businesses it should be a investment in growing their business.
2. Organize two conferences that bring social media to the Midwest. I’m off to a good start there. Nathan Wright and I are working with Jeff Pulver to create a 140 Character Conference in Iowa. May 9 – limited seating of 100 – keep your date book open. This will be a not to be missed event. Followed two days later by Big Omaha.
3. Build my Melaleuca business to Senior Director Level. What is that? 5 more Directors in my organization. A director has 10 customers and is a part time or full time business builder themselves. That will allow me to continue to work from home, and also help a lot more people.
4. Continue to work with my community to make it the best small town to live in. There’s some things that need to come to light so everyone can get in the same chapter (we’re not close to the same page yet). This effort has been a labor of love. This year, I’ll create a business model that will help support Debworks. I’ve already got 3 grant writing gigs. See #1
5. Write my book. We Ought To Be Dead. A story of two women’s lives while bartending in Chicago. Cruzanne and I are writing it together.
6. Improve my physical health and well being. Walk more, listen more, eat well, walk the talk baby.
These are big chunks. Some I’ll finish. Some will begin the growing process for me. All of them will give me plenty to blog about this year!
p.s. have you seen the Small Town Marketing Primer? I’m taking my own advice.
Utilize, Teach, Organize, Build, Continue, Write, Improve — now there are some key words to work with this year!
I can’t wait to read your book! You’ve come quite a ways with your goals– you go girl!
Thanks Karen – its what we hope for – to grow!
These are amazing goals! I especially like the one about putting together two conferences – that’s when everything becomes about doing for others. Also, you’ll love working with Jeff. Great guy!
A toast to you tonight!
Thanks John –
I love organizing, and I had a great time with Jeff at the 140Conf Small Town. Nathan is a great guy too!
What are you working on?
I’m headed to the local winery now for a Facebook MeetUp (feet up!) and I’ll raise a glass to you as well.