I went to a chiropractric physician today. I met her at the HyVee. She was at the HyVee yesterday with this machine. It was a laptop with electrodes that measured the energy in your spinal column. She tested my c3, c5 and c7 vertabrae – and found they were out of whack (which I happen to know is true). I made an appointment at the Fountain of Life Chiropractic for today.
I also took my husband’s boss – who had never been to a chiropractor but he had a ‘bad shoulder from rugby’ and wanted to go.
My consultation was free, as promised yesterday. Here’s what I received for free:
a full spinal scan
a 1/2 hour appointment with the Doctor to check me out
15 minutes on the Hydromassage bed
I met Dr. Frances Hollembaek yesterday, was so impressed with her that I made an appointment AND brought along a friend! She did my spinal scal and conducted the 1/2 hour appointment. Dr. Joe Knudson is the doctor that did an adjustment for me. During my appointment, Dr. Fran found out I was only in town a couple of days. My test results (and my physical pain) indicated I could definitely use an adjustment. He spent about 15 minutes and prodded, pulled, turned, tapped, stretched and adjusted. It felt like a little slice of heaven.
The Fountain of Life Chiropractic is at 8335 N. Congrestt Ave in Kansas City, KS. The number is 816-741-4711. The website is www.fountainoflifechiro.com Visit the website and take the carpal tunnel test.
Could Chiropractic Help You? Here’s what their website says: Your nervous system controls and regulates every cell of your body. When your nervous system doesn’t work right, you don’t work right. And when you don’t work right, you’re sick! Simple as that.
My husband’s boss? He feels pretty fantastic too! I asked him what he thought of the whole thing. He said “well, he was pushing and rubbing and poking and it felt pretty good. Then all of a sudden WHAM! He popped my back. I screamed and thought “can I feel my fingers? Am I paralyzed?” It was such a loud pop, I thought I was going to be hurt. I wasn’t – I actually feel pretty good!”
Chris Brogan once told me that he travels a lot – and he looks for local things to do while he’s in another town. He’ll google restaurants, coffee shops – and support the local economy. Why not do a search for hydromassage bed next time you are out of town? Or better yet – visit the local grocery store and see what’s going in town!
photo by brainblogger over a flickr.com
Posted in Interviews and Reviews, review
Love the article, very informative.