
Facebook PhotoStrip Can Be Fun!

I love #blogchat! Every Sunday night at 8 p.m. Central on twitter a group of bloggers get together and talk about a particular subject. (I use to follow the hashtag #blogchat)

Last night we talked about Facebook versus Blog for businesses.  I think it was a draw.

Today I went into my twitter mention stream and took a look at the people who responded to me personally last night.  I spent about 10 minutes checking out their profiles and wandering over to their websites.  On my journey I found I love a good business blog with helpful tools – and this is just that. One post talked about creating your own photostrip for facebook. If someone goes to your profile, there are now apparently random photos of you and/or yours across the top.

Aha! They are not random!  The last five pictures you tagged of yourself appear there.  I immediately went to photoshop, doctored up a few photos (added my website on them) and then uploaded to a facebook album and tagged them.  Go ahead, try it yourself!

Here’s the result:


  1. Mack Collier on February 21, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    Deb isn’t Griner a smartie? Glad you joined and enjoyed #Blogchat!

  2. deb on February 21, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Thanks Mack,
    And your pretty awesome yourself!

  3. David Griner on February 21, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks so much for joining the chat, and for your writeup.

    Just to clarify, there are two types of Facebook photostrips:

    1. Personal profiles (like yours). These photos, as you note, are not random. They’re the five most recently tagged photos of you.

    2. Business Pages: The photostrip was only recently added to pages. It features the last five photos your page uploaded, but they are displayed in a random order each time someone visits the page. Which means you have to be a bit crafty if you want a continuous pattern, as our designer did here:

    Thanks again for the great feedback and conversation!
    David g.

  4. deb on February 21, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    David –
    I love what your designer did – and now I”m trying to figure out how he did it!
    Rock on,