Probably the most controversial speaker at SOBCon09 was Lauren Freedman. She professed to having no real social media skills, refused to answer questions during her presentation, said she was usually home with her child during this time – and stated a lot of facts and figures.
It was the presentation that made the biggest difference for me! A real case of don’t shoot the messenger. Let me give you a little background info on Lauren, share some of the things she talked about and show you how this made a difference for me.
Her bio states:In 1994, Lauren Freedman leveraged her 15 year retail and catalog career and passion for merchandising to found the e-tailing group, inc. The firm’s mission was, and continues to be, providing strategic and e-commerce solutions to online merchants as well as businesses targeting that market. An extensive client list has included Fortune 500s and start-ups. From involvement with the initial launch of sites like Toys “R” Us, The Vitamin Shoppe and Kodak to specific initiatives for clients including Scholastic, J.Jill, Orbitz, USA Today, CTW and MSN, her role becomes Strategist, Merchant, Facilitator, Educator and Spokesperson.
Here are just some of the notes I took from her presentation.
shoppers choose the online channel of shopping because:
it saves time (54%)
they can locate hard to find items (40%)
and they can save money (34%).
who is shopping online?
Surgical shoppers (list shopper)
shopper who needs something specific, the hard to find products
deal seeker – free shipping, discounts, give me something
information seeker – need a new dishwasher and need ideas
gift givers – gifts, gift cards, etc
What percentage of time shopping involves researching?
42% of shoppers spend ½ their time researching
women rule shopping!
These items are considered to be blessings:
opt in daily emails 68%
video on demand 70%
tivo/dvr 77%
online coupons 81%
cell phone 85%
rewards, loyalty cards 88%
Beauty customer is very much interested in the information
Strategic placement of promotions is mandatory
gifting evolves from wish list to mobile access
34% of consumers have purchased from wish lists in 2008
phone texts are really sending people to the stores (1 800 flowers)
product page content must be robust
white glove service includes:
people want to shop at a risk free environment
stellar service across the board should be non-negotiable
lead with loyalty – remind them about loyalty rewards programs
Now, how can I convert this information into usable ideas? Let’s talk a minute about that. I am starting a blog specifically for network marketing and my Melaleuca business. I want people to follow that blog and become business builders with me, or become a customer of mine.
So I know that:
the content must be robust
I need to lead with loyalty rewards
There should be excellent customer service
My promotions should be placed strategically
I need to offer the reader ondemand video and email subscriptions
I will be talking to surgical shoppers, information junkies, deal seekers, special item seekers and gift givers.
All of those items are also key to my Melaleuca business as well. Lauren has helped me target my customer, shown me what that customer is looking for, and began the planning process for the blog (and for my offline business as well).
Not bad for controversy. Better lesson is to listen to the speaker and hear the message – and don’t dwell on the delivery!
And here’s my action item: visit www.debthinksgreen.com and see where you might be using toxic products in your home (take the tour). Get the free ebook, and request more information. Want to just call me? 641-458-1114