
Did It Work?

auld lang syneA couple of days ago I asked for your help.

We were raising money to renovate and repair our local Band Shell.  I asked that you give a $1 via a PayPal link and mention my company Debworks in the comments.  It made it much easier to track and the organizers knew to forward that information to me.

It was a tiny experiment to see if social media can make a difference.  I tweeted it several times over 5 days.  It was retweeted 24 times.  8 people used Debworks in the comments and gave – raising over $200.   There were several more names the organizers did not recognize (not past students, community members or friends) that gave as well.

Just two of the comments we received were:

Thanks for sharing your need, DEBWORKS, I am from Hutchinson, KS and Cody Heitschmidt (CodyKS) shared your story on FB & Twitter. I am happy to help out! 🙂 HOORAY for music and for saving an awesome place to play it! … Shellie Couch

Debworks…I am a pianist…played flute in the band in high school many years ago. May the music soar to the heavens for many years to come!… Patrice Egging: Music and Ministry 

I also posted the link on facebook and too many members of our community to count shared the story.

Success leaves a trail.  The breadcrumbs lead to the final result.  As of 5:20 p.m. Monday August 16th, we raised a total of $94,006. I’m counting this social media experiment a success.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.