If you look, you’ll see I’m making progress. My shape is changing. I started not being able to do one single dip to now I can do eight. I couldn’t get off the floor without help, now I need no help. I could only walk slowly on the treadmill, and I now I can kinda jog (walk/trot). There is definite improvement. I can do a proper plank for 45 seconds.
I lost 14 inches in the first two months. That was a big deal. I was chasing the numbers. Then the evil Deb jumped up and told me I was sick, and needed to eat to deal with stress. She said I hated winter and needed to sleep more. I listened to her.
I gained back 5 pounds. I added inches that I had lost (not 14, but enough). I was scared. Could I really do this? Did I deserve to be healthy? Could I just slink away and stop talking about working out? Fire Randy?
No, I couldn’t. I had shared my story publicly with too many people to slink away. I had unintentionally put in place an accountability system. I told people what I was doing, and they have noticed.
Step One: Be Accountable to Someone
I had my friends on Facebook, my trainer and my friends in real life that I told I was doing this thing, this becoming who I really am. I told them in writing and out loud.
I also found people who had done it before me. Jeff Pulver took a little over a year to complete his body transformation. Along the way, he transformed the way he thinks too. Jeff co-created an app called Zula and he invited me to participate with his weight loss/transformation to health group. So every time I work out, I log in with this group and talk about what I’m doing, what my workouts consist of, and what I’m feeling.
Step Two: Find Ways to Remain Accountable
Zula is an app that works for me. I’ve teamed up with a group of like minded individuals to affect change for all of us. There are more choices as well. You can count calories every day and use an app to do that. My Fitness Pal does a great job of that and you can invite your gym friends to join you and help hold you accountable.
I’ve reevaluated with my trainer and we are going to train twice a week and I’ll go to the gym another time that week and work out at home once a week too. He’ll provide me with the workouts (he IS my trainer after all) and has promised to kick my butt and hold me accountable.
I’m writing in this blog. I will check in on Sunday’s and let you know how it’s going. I’ll ask you questions and hope you have answers for me!
Sunday tune in for a discussion about food and moving forward on this journey.
The picture in the white tshirt was taken in early November. The picture in the blue shirt was taken in late December.