I’ve been working with a client on some online marketing ideas. We’ve been having lunch about once a month for a year now. When we first started, she had no idea what she wanted to do. It was a bit overwhelming for her. Too many choices.
So we took a step back and just sat down. Took a deep breath and chose one thing to do. Facebook. And she took to it like duck to a water. She has a retail gift shop and it was a natural fit. First, the fan page. Then finding the fans. Next she posted a little something each day. Maybe a picture of a flower arrangement, or a new sign she got it. Perhaps a thank you to a customer.
Her facebook fan page now has 176 fans. That read her little notes each day. Her walk in traffic has increased. Her special orders are rolling in steadily.
In the past year she’s set up a twitter account and checks it daily – and tweets maybe 2 times a day. She’s got 894 followers. She likes twitter because she learns so much from other crafters. It gives her great ideas for her business.
For example, she has set up an eBay shop. Items not moving in her store are moving like crazy on eBay. Imagine the power in that – if it doesn’t sell in one spot, it does in another. Plus, you introduce new people to your physical store!
Just this month she’s started blogging. My client is very creative, and she writes very well. It makes me want to go to her store and shop. Here’s what she had to say about Snow:
Well it must be official, Winter has set in, gripped us in icy tentacles and absolutely won’t let go! It is hard to stay business positive when the snow and winds literally immobilize the entire tri state region. So I attempt to create little clusters of spring and sunshine with displays of flowers, bath salts, or even plush stuffed animals. The wonderful fragrance of lavender vanilla or pink petals takes me to a lavish meadow with flowers and butterflies dancing in a warm spring breeze.
My client has a website. The only thing on it is a picture, her address, phone number, facebook address, blog address and twitter address. She’s working on a design. She’d like to have a picture with clickable links that take her visitors to her other sites. It was an eyeopener for her when she realized she could just hire a designer to make that happen. She thought she had to do it all herself.
I tell you this story of Cornerstone Cottage because it emphasizes how important it is to just begin. Choose one thing. Get good at it. Then choose something else to add into the picture. It’s amazing what can happen in a year’s time.
My client? Judy Wrolson at www.cornerstonecottage.biz
Join us at www.smallbizsocialmediasummit.com Learn from other small businesses how you can utilize the power of social media.
This is a great study in how to accomplish big changes one step at a time. Since time is usually the most precious resource we are dealing with trying to put everything in place on day one usually sinks execution. Build steadily. Execute magnificently.
Thanks Fred – this was a powerful lesson for me too. Drew McClellan said at the Iowa Tourism Conference to make a 12 to 24 month commitment to social media. Then just get started. Some of the best advice I heard!
Thanks for the wonderful praise and article about me and the store!! You keep challenging me, encouraging me, and kicking me in the behind when I need it. Thanks!