The Friends of the Hampton Public Library would like to host a special fund raising campaign to keep the music program Freegal, which stands for free and legal music, available for library patrons of all ages again this year. Music is something commonly provided by libraries for their patrons in the CD format. But with the digital age, libraries can now offer music on their websites that can be downloaded to your computer or other devices such as phones, ipods, and mp3s. The patron can only download 3 songs per week or the cost of the service would be so exorbitant it would not be available at all. Remember these artist’s songs are copyrighted so each time a download is done, the artist gets paid for their creativity and talent. The best part is that the music doesn’t ever have to be returned. The music is yours until you decide to delete it from your device.
Last year the Foundation of the Hampton Public Library generously donated the start up cost of Freegal Music. But with no increase in funding from the city or the county for the upcoming fiscal year the library could not find money in their stagnant budget to cover the cost of the music. Libraries can not do more with less they can only do less. Freegal has recently gotten a new look, an improved search engine, upgraded capacity and quicker browsing access to the most popular music. Freegal recently added over 2 million songs from over 15,000 music labels. That is why the Friends of the Hampton Public Library want to keep the music free with your help…or Sept 1st will be “the day the music died” as sung by Don McLean in his song American Pie.
Please consider a donation to the Friends of the Hampton Public Library to the Adopt the Music Campaign and keep music free and legal for patrons of all ages in Franklin County. So far over 1400 songs have been downloaded with the month of December topping the statistics with 199 songs. This program serves patrons of all ages who so far have downloaded and listened to anything from Johnny Cash to Ke$ha to the Philharmonic Orchestra to Alvin and the Chipmunks. Your donation will help defray the cost of the $1500.00 annual fee. Without your donation, this free music offered on the Hampton Public Library’s website will no longer be available as of September 1st. If adopting the music doesn’t appeal to you the Friends of the Hampton Public Library also offer adopt-a-subscription for magazines and adopt-a-book. Or you could become a Friend of the Hampton Public Library. The annual cost of a Friends Membership is Single $5.00, Family $7.50, Contributive $25.00 and Lifetime $150.00. Please contact your library if you have any questions at 641-456-4451 and watch our website to follow the progress of the money that is being raised at www.hampton.lib.ia.us.