I’ve blogged consecutively for 31 days now.
I was given a challenge to do so, and I did it. It was one of my busiest months professionally, and still I blogged. Some of the posts were reposted from articles I had written for my enewsletter. Some of the posts were pictures I had taken at events. Nevertheless, it still took time to review them, update them and think about how they fit into the overall theme of the month.
I found out that I can blog for 31 days consecutively. I did it because I said I would. That’s pretty simple. Every day I made the time to blog. A couple of times I sat down and wrote several blog posts and covered a few days at a time. Because I knew I wouldn’t have time to do it in the next few days, so I made the time when I had it. Once, just once, I wrote very early in the morning and back dated it to the day before. I almost missed that day. I’m still counting it.
The purpose of the challenge, for me, was to see if I could do it. I met the purpose.
Now I’m thinking, what other challenge can I face head on? What else can I do for 31 days?