I just spent about 10 minutes reading a few blog posts. One was particularly poignant and I started to post a comment on Facebook where the writer had originally put the link.
Then I stopped and remembered how important it is to the blogger that you comment ON THE BLOG.
I went back, and put in a short comment on the blog. It took 30 seconds. Easy Peasy.
Why you might want to make a comment on a blog post:
- It helps increase your visibility in the search engines if people are commenting,
- It makes the blog post more interesting — differing opinions are always good for conversation,
- Sometimes it gives the writer fodder for another post. They might answer your question, or expound on what you said,
- If you’re a blogger, the writer might visit your blog site and comment on your stuff!
So this week as you read blogs and think “I have a comment on that” – make the comment on the blog. The blogger will love you for it.
Ah, you’ve touched a nerve with me. Since we as authors usually think about how the comments benefit us, I appreciate you listing off the benefits to the commenter, too.
I like commenting, usually only do so when I can leave positive remarks.
And you my friend have given me a few ideas for stories.
Becky – thanks and now I’m thinking of other ways it would help the reader …..
Miss Dazey – glad to be of help, can’t wait to hear about Mr. Bruce’s trip to Dallas!
Because…after all…isn’t blogging about RELATIONSHIPS??!! 🙂
yes ma’am!
Thank you for the reminder, Deb!
You’re welcome Glenda – I’m trying to comment more on those posts I like.
Great reminder! Another awesome benefit to commenting on blogs is that it might spark a blog post! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been leaving a comment and then think “Hey, what I’m writing might be a good blog post!”
Hello, I am so glad you wrote this out as I think about this all the time as people visit my blog and do not leave comments. I try to whenever I visit a blog and would Love it if others would do the same. It only takes a couple minutes and lie you said in your post I know have a new blog post.
I’ve been a blogger for years and it’s amazing how many people overlook this. Yes, I still enjoy getting the feedback on facebook, but still! Please, please, please just comment on the post itself… and don’t make me require a ‘contest’ or something strange to get you to do it either!
Funny enough – I’m actually out wandering through blogs to find more people to follow and interact with, so the timing of seeing this is impeccable!
John…right? So simple and a great way to get the creative juices flowing. But here’s the thing … I was thinking the blogger could get another post! Turns out the reader could too.
Glenda … Sometimes you gotta ask them too. I’m glad all of you are now commenting.
Amber… Thanks for strolling by here. Think I’ll take a spin over by you now!