
Words to Live By


Honor your word.  That is, do what you said you would do by when you said you would do it.  And, when you don’t, clean it up, make new promises and keep them.

Being Racket Free:

Give up being right.

Being Powerful:

Be straight in your communication and take what you get.

Being Courageous:

Acknowledge your fear and then act.

Being Peaceful:

Give up the interpretation “there is something wrong here”.

Being Charismatic:

Give up “in order to” and trying to get somewhere.

Being Enrolling:

Share your new possibilities in such a way that others are touched, moved and inspired by that possibility.


Thanks to Izzy Ferrante for reminding me of this powerful lesson learned at Landmark Education.  I once agreed to live by these words.  I am now agreeing again to do so.


  1. MissDazey on January 12, 2011 at 9:38 pm

    Debbie, you still live by this words. The world needs more people like you to practice these principles daily.

  2. MissDazey on January 12, 2011 at 9:40 pm

    oops I called you Debbie, instead of Deb. Didn’t see it until posted.

  3. Deb on January 13, 2011 at 1:02 am

    Miss Dazey – you know you can call me Debbie! It’s easy to stray from these thoughts. That ‘ol devil will tempt all of us. I so like to be right, for example.