I wrote yesterday about the dilemma of giving it away for free.
Social media is an interesting medium. It’s very easy to get drawn into, spend all your time tweeting or on facebook or linked in. Next thing you know the day is about done. I admire people like Chris Brogan who appear to be ON all the time.
The key word is Appear. Chris is one smart cookie. He has a plan. He can see light at the end of the tunnel. Part of his plan is helping others. It’s a BIG part of his plan. He helps others for a reason. They ask for help. Keith Burtis does the same thing. Both of them learn so much from teaching! I’m beginning to see the benefits in helping in this medium. (see yesterdays comments from Keith, really eye opening.)
Yesterdays post was a sorting out of thoughts running in my head. I can look at it today and see just how I am NOT managing my time effectively. This month I’ll be using some new tools to create a better working schedule for me. I’m also exploring the notion that I don’t have to get everything done early. On time is fine.
I DO like answering questions, exploring options and running things up the flag pole to see how it flies.
Please call me, ask questions and lets figure some things out. I may ask you if we can continue the conversation on another day. I really like the idea of Fridays being my learning day. I am not going to charge you for having a conversation with me. That’s just too silly, isn’t it?
picture courtesy of Dimitri N over at flickr.com
Deb, you are fleshing things out in your head, and that is great! I love to see it. You have a lot of valuable information stored in that noggin of yours and that is all "WORTH" a lot! Connect with people and impress them with that worth 🙂 Your doing a great job! Remember, you are Deb Brown. That's what makes you special. One of the coolest things about this medium is that we can all be successful in our own way doing it in ways that work with our passion and values. Keep it up!
Thanks Keith, you rock! I'm actually doing a conference call on Thursday evening on how to use networked communications for your small business — for my team and lateral teams (free). It came out of this conversation. Love the medium, love the exchange. Thanks again.