
Thanks Deb Brown SaveYour.Town for bringing your community-building wisdom to Central MN for the annual GPS::45::93 gathering and touring the region to support the ideas of many rural champions!

Have been a fan a long time of your approach rooted in joy and what’s uniquely achievable.

Brian Voerding, Vice President for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Initiative Foundation 

Bringing Deb Brown to San Juan County was one of the best decisions we made for the future of our Chamber of Commerce. With her SaveYour.Town approach, she helped us understand what a chamber could be—a resource built by and for our community.

Over five days in February, Deb met with local groups to hear their vision for the chamber and walked us through the steps to make it happen. She made what could have been an overwhelming process—bylaws, paperwork, and structure—feel clear and achievable. Thanks to her guidance, we’re set to launch this spring with a strong foundation.

Her impact went beyond just the chamber. We hosted a luncheon where key stakeholders came together to discuss how they could

Deb Brown and Talia Hansen

Deb and Talia in rural Utah visiting small towns.

support the chamber’s long-term success. Deb also worked with 27 participants, including representatives from all seven Navajo Nation Chapter Houses, to help them better understand the grant-writing process and connect their goals to broader economic development efforts.

Deb doesn’t just advise—she listens, teaches, and empowers. Her time with us was invaluable, and I’m so grateful for her insight, encouragement, and belief in the power of rural communities.

— Talia Hansen | San Juan County Economic Development

I subscribe to dozens of email newsletters—probably several dozen, at least—so that I can find information and resources to pass on to the rural audiences that I work with. I’ve signed myself up for information overload! However, SaveYour.Town is one of the few emails that I read fairly regularly. Although each email message is pretty short, there is always a nugget of information that is useful or inspirational to hear about. Thank you, Deb and Becky!



Deb and Amy at a table in Battle Mountain NV taking notes

Deb and Amy at a breakfast gathering in Battle Mountain, NV

WOW ~~ your presentation was first-class and highly engaging. Thank you for your time and dedication to this endeavor.
Amy Nelson, Lander County, NV retired principal





We will be ringing in the new year in a renovated, previously-vacant building because of the inspiration your newsletter validated! Ideas people have are sometimes too "dreamy," but we will have a library three times as large and definitely more of a hub because of #IdeaFriendly grassroots organizations like yours. Thank you for helping us to save our town from post-covid slumps and giving it a revitalization that we needed!

Sundown, Texas library


Hi Deb. I believe you are the one that presented at the Stand Up Rural America Summit in West Virginia in 2021. If you are, I didn't get to tell you in person, but I wanted to say THANK YOU for the presentation.

It had a great impact on me and to this day, I still refer to the presentation and ideas presented. 

Jimmy from Big Lake, Texas

Ok, that was just so good last night.  Thank you!  You did such a great job – so well done and such great points. 

I loved how you addressed the elephant in the room – things have changed and things need to change even if people don’t want them to.  

Tara Mastel
Montana Extension Community Development Leader

Thank you for all you ideas/tips that we receive through your newsletters. 
 Koster is a smallish town, with more than half of the community is dependant on social grants, with no jobs. By watching you and getting ideas from you I hope to make a differance in our town as well as the rest of our municipality, in my term as councillor.

Thank you, its your positive outlook and ideas that make me go on.

Stella, a councillor in a small town, Koster, North West , South Aftica.

This was a fantastic webinar chockablock with easy, doable, accessible ideas for inexpensive ec dev. Someone who attended even said it was the best webinar they've ever been to. Two plus years into a pandemic, that is quite a feat!

You two are just absolutely the best.

I was just saying at my office that I want to tell everyone I know about how amazing your ideas are.

Thank you again for that fantastic presentation. I am your fangirl forever.

Heather Hallgrimson
Co-operatives First
Saskatchewan, Canada

"Debra and Rural Rocks was one of our favourite sessions, she was an excellent presenter who had me feeling uplifted and ready to take action and make progress."

2021 Saskatchewan Economic Development & Leadership Conference

“Deb Brown has been assisting the Beartooth RC&D region in Montana with targeted economic recovery efforts for the past year. Deb's experience and expertise in working with Chambers of Commerce and small businesses has hastened our regional economic recovery efforts. I find Deb Brown to be engaging with the communities we serve and willing to share ideas that have been successful elsewhere. Taking small steps and trying something new or different aren't easy for every business to grasp. Deb's encouragement to tourism and travel impacted areas has been most helpful.”

Steve Simonson
Executive Director

“Recently, the city of Columbiana was lucky enough to host Deb Brown for an Embedded Community Experience. She met with many individual business and members of our community, which allowed her to gather data to put into a final wrap up.

From the moment she arrived, to the moment she left, she was working very hard so she could provide ideas that we can implement right away. She has an uncanny ability to talk to anyone, making them feel comfortable enough to open up to her.

I would highly recommend any community interested in improving their future to invite Deb Brown to visit their town. Her visit was definitely a highlight of my 21 years working in small government.”

Lance Willard
Columbiana City Manager

JCMO promo

“Thank you for your great advice to help small towns. I think you and Deb fill a real need for our rural communities as mentors, strategists and cheer leaders!”

Joann and Mike, Nearwood Winery and Vineyards
Knoxville, IA

I recently subscribed to the saveyour.town this past Fall to learn more about what we could do with the resources we have here in rural Iowa. I came across the empty building tour on your site and have been following the steps to make our own tour, 'Tour of Dreams' successful for us on May 20th. 

I'm happy to say through the use of your kit, we have a committee put together, partnering with our Historical Society, and have 3 building owners already on board. Without your kit, I'm not sure we would be as organized as we are this far out. 

Thank you for providing this information ...
Katie Rasmussen, Executive Director
Grundy Center Chamber-Main Street
Grundy Center, Iowa

“Rural towns that survive all have one thing in common: an openness to new ideas.” Mic drop moment delivered by @debworks from http://saveyour.town at #BCEDA21 this morning. Very inspirational talk and a ton of actionable ideas for business and community collaborations.


“Thank you, Deb & Becky, for the great inspiration & insights you provide through videos, newletters, emails, and conference sessions! It's all greatly appreciated by those of us here in rural communities!”

Carol J. Eisenbeis
Development & Marketing Coordinator City of Freeman, SD

“I knew I was going to really enjoy working with Deb when she told us from the moment she steps off that plane to the time she heads back home, she will be there with us to share resources and ideas to revitalize our small towns. Then we had a planning meeting where she was immediately a member of our team pushing us to think bigger while selecting options that were easy to implement. Don't wait another minute to revitalize your small town.”

Julie Flyckt
Adams County, Washington Economic Development Director

“Deb is great - inspiring and full of ideas.

I liked the tour of vacant buildings. Also liked the tips part of her opening session.

I love the idea of gathering your community to get more people involved in decision-making.

All the ideas she shared were excellent.

All of her ideas are great! Particularly fond of the music and art-based efforts.”

Mid States Economic Development Conference comments

“THIS..Right Here. Deb During Brown is a friend and a proven facilitator when it comes to helping create synergy in new ideas and initiatives for small towns. Webster City is lucky to have her... Others towns across the Midwest can learn from what she has helped spur there and elsewhere.. (I want to be like Deb when I grow up!)”

Robert Bo Barker
Nov 12, 2019