Virtual is nothing new. I’ve been using virtual mediums for a decade now. We just haven’t called them out as virtual or something new!
Ten years working for chamber organizations in rural communities has taught me how to be available for clients in many different ways. As communications director at the Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce we needed to use all the communication tools, and this included virtually.
I work intensively with rural communities in my Embedded Community Experience (ECE). Each of these ECE’s starts virtually with phone calls, interviews and work sessions. After a four day community visit, I follow up for a year via phone, Zoom or similar apps, text and Facebook messaging. There’s not a prescribed format, because every client is different. It’s all about them and what they want.
said Nancy Daniels Community Vitality Specialist at Kansas State Research and Extension.

“Deb is excellent at presenting information in a rural manner – that is, using the tools she has at hand. Whether the telephone, video or online I could count on her to get our message across.”
Brook Boehmler, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce
Webinars, Calls, Video
- Rural Economic Development Webinar – Blaine, Canada and Pro Learning Laboratory,
- SaveYour.Town, wrote and produced more than 40 individual videos with Becky McCray including live interactive webinars, hybrid live and recorded presentations, interactive Q&As, and recorded presentations, monthly since 2016
- National Realtors Association Webinar with Tyler Abens,
- twice yearly webinars for Kansas State Research and Extension,
Remote worksessions
- monthly zoom meetings with graduates of Institute for Organizational Management,
- developing the 140 Life Conference via Zoom and Google Meetings with Jeff Pulver in NYC and Deb Eckerling in Los Angeles,
- TEDx Brookings work with editors,
- Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce,
- Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce
- Embedded Community Experiences over 3 years
- Develop This – Economic and Community Development,
- Small Town Big Talk,
- Deb and Ken Burgin in Australia,
- George and Marylynn at BIGG Success,
- Des Walsh in Australia,
- Storied Gifts,
- Rural X,
- and Digital Homesteading with Scott Meyer.