Erin Olson is a teacher of AP Language and Composition. She’s originally from Hampton, Iowa and now teaches in NW Iowa. She spoke at the 140 Character Conference in Des Moines and moved us all to tears. She has now asked for my helped. She’d like me to reach out to bloggers and see if they would assist her students. This is an opportunity for bloggers; both new and professional; to make a difference. Here’s her request:
My creative writing and novels/reading aware students are blogging…while each class has a different purpose, the heart of their task is the same: sharing contemplation for consideration, publishing for audience. Each student designed their blog to fit their needs, however, I am certain their frame will evolve as they continue working to connect to professionals and others with like passions. This is my third year blogging with creative writing students and my second year with the novels/reading aware group. The outcomes of utilizing a public space to reveal their thinking and their writing has proven to be motivational and inspirational. Words have power-there is no question.
My students will continue to hone their writing skills through their blog posts and will continue to improve the design/layout of their blog to best fit the needs of the subject matter and purpose. I provide feedback, students provide peer feedback, but you can provide feedback that is all powerful. I am asking for professional and amateur bloggers to stop by my students’ work and comment. If enough people volunteer, I would love to have writing mentors for my students. Most importantly, an audience…I can attest to the power of positive feedback, the power of constructive criticism-it is empowering for students to know there is a world watching and the world is interested in their voice.
Novels/Reading Aware: two blog posts each week applying a learned reading lens to independent reading
Creative Writing: one blog post each week crafting a post relevant to their purpose for blogging
If you are interested in commenting…
1) Read student blog once a week or as you have time
2) Provide feedback about writing, content, and/or appearance
3) Provide a link to your blog, if you blog, so students can see your work
4) If you are able/time allows, Skype into our class to tell us about how writing/reading is part of your work
I want my students to own their digital footprint. I want my students to see how literacy empowers. I sincerely appreciate time you are able to give. This is just the beginning of their learning, and I am excited to see their growth.
Austin’s Blog |
Derrick’s Blog |
Isaac’s Blog |
Abbie’s Blog |
Logistics of a Sarcastic Narcissist |
The Young and Inspired |