So last week I WAS sick – bronchitis. Dr. visit was called for because nonstop coughing is just not productive for sleep and wellness. How does affect my plans for improved health?
I had to slow down.
Lots of rest, not just sleep. But rest. Reading books, taking naps, not working long hours. I’m good at the reading part – the rest of it is contrary to what I normally do. I had the good sense to pick up Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. This woman could have been telling part of my story, and battle with self perception, love and family. It’s one of the hardest books I’ve ever read, and one of the most rewarding.
“My anger is the ocean. There are moments of calm and stillness and then, without warning, the disturbance begins beneath my skin, churning, gathering power until there is nothing I can do but surrender and ride it out.”
“Crisis comes from the word meaning to sift. Let it all fall away and you’ll be left with what matters.”
Just three sentences from the book, yet enough to open floodgates I thought long ago locked. Sometimes to move forward (ok, often) you must look back and reunite with what you ignored – and solve it, accept it, embrace it and feel the pain.
I know this is more of a tease to read the book,than a good book review. I also know that I will recommend this book to every woman I know. As I’m working on getting better and moving on, I too will be a love warrior.