Image by mikebaird via Flickr
Imagine what you want. In life. For your business. At your home. In your family.
Now imagine where you are in life. In your business. In your home. In your family life.
Is there a big gap between the two? For most people, the answer is yes.
Find ways to close that gap. Things you can do to achieve what it is you want.
Do those things — that is called running the gap.
Need an example? Okay. I want to add 5 new customers to my business this week, and 16 in total by the end of September. I am at zero. What can I do to run that gap? I can go through my chicken list (people you are scared to call) and call them. I can go through the business cards I’ve collected and call them. I can call my current customers and ask for referrals. That’s running the gap.
I want to work with small businesses and show them additional ways to create revenue. Now they would be customers AND business builders. How can I get them to see what it is I do? I need to give them something they need. I’m pretty good at teaching people how to use facebook and twitter. I am also a big supporter of continuing education.
I called Iowa Valley Continuing Education and offered to design and teach a series of classes for small businesses. They were thrilled and I have just opened up my business to local small business. Not only will they learn facebook and twitter, they will also find another way to add money into their business. What small business wouldn’t want that? I’m running the gap.
Now, when 2 p.m. rolls around and I think it might be nice to take a nap on the couch – I just think about what I want. I am running the gap – what are you doing?
Very nice, I am working with a group of folks to get a new studie going. your data was usefull! thank you!